2007 Hall of Fame votes are in!

Onepocket.org is pleased to announce that we will be inducting two players into the One Pocket Hall of Fame this year, the ‘voice of Accustats’, Billy Incardona, and Philadelphia’s Jimmy Fusco. Both of these guys are not only strong players, they have decidedly contributed to the growth and popularity of the game. Our third inductee is actually two brothers, George & Paulie Jansco, the original hustler’s jamboree promoters of the famous Johnston City & Stardust tournaments. The sole Bank Pool inductee this year is retired champion and banking legend, Donny ‘The Cincinnati Kid’ Anderson. Our Hall of Fame dinner will again be one of the featured special events at the upcoming 10th annual Derby City Classic in Louisville, Kentucky on Tuesday, January 8th.
In our second year looking beyond One Pocket, reaching out to the world of under-appreciated legends of pool action, OnePocket.org is pleased to announce that ‘Hippie Jimmy’ Reid is this year’s choice for Lifetime Pool in Action recognition.
This dinner is always a very entertaining evening, as these players are among the most colorful, talented and action-oriented legends in all of cue sports. This also happens to be the 10th annual Derby City tournament, so this year has to be special! Stay tuned for more info…