Leonard ‘Bugs’ Rucker Dies

Chicago’s legendary Banks and One Pocket Hall of Fame player Leonard ‘Bugs’ Rucker died today at the age of 69. He had been lately suffering from the severe advancement of Diabetes. Bugs was considered by many to be heir to the title the world’s best banker after Eddie Taylor retired, and he incorporated his banking to great success in his One Pocket game as well. He was inducted into the first class of the One Pocket Hall of Fame in January of 2005, and our first class for the Legends of Bank Pool in 2006.

[button link=”http://onepocket.org/hof/inductees/onepocket/leonard-rucker/” linking=”default” align=”left” size=”medium” type=”standard” style=”simple” icon=”trophy”]View Bugs’ Hall of Fame page[/button] [button link=”http://onepocket.org/rackem-up-with-leonard-bugs-rucker/” linking=”default” align=”left” size=”medium” type=”standard” style=”simple” icon=”microphone”]Complete Leonard Rucker Interview[/button]
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