2007 US Open Banks & One Pocket Champions

Local veteran John Brumback came out of the one-loss side to win the US Open Bank Pool Championships at Qlympics in Louisville, KY. Meanwhile, Tony Chohan is our new US Open One Pocket champion.

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US Open One Pocket Results
1. Tony Chohan $3700
2. Gabe Owen $2400
3. Shannon Daulton $1540
4. Sergio Perez $1050
5. Rafael Martinez $675
6. Jason Miller $675
7. Chris Bartram $425
8. John Brumback $425

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US Open Banks Results
1. John Brumback $3700
2. Jason Miller $2400
3. Brian Gregg $1500
4. Shannon Daulton $1025
5. Shawn Putnam $650
6. Tony Chohan $650
7. John Grim $400
8. Louis Ulrich $400

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Champion John Brumback
Shannon Daulton
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Runner-up Jason Miller
Brian Gregg
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Champion Tony Chohan
Shannon Daulton
Jason Miller
Sergio Perez
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Runner-up Gabe Owen
Chris Bartram
Raphael Martinez
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