Rack ’em up with the late Al ‘NY Blackie’ Bonife

This interview took place back on May 5th, 2005, when Blackie was living in Florida. I had always hoped to follow up with Blackie, but that didn’t happen, and unfortunately he died August 15, 2007. Al Bonife, better known as ‘NY Blackie‘, was a real straight shooter and an astute game maker. He was a long-time friend of Buddy Hall, and he also spent time in California with ‘Little Al’ Romero. Both Buddy Hall and Al Romero have been kind enough to add some of their own reminiscences of Blackie which are included in the interview.
[button link=”http://onepocket.org/rackem-up-with-al-ny-blackie-bonife/” linking=”default” align=”left” size=”medium” type=”standard” style=”simple” icon=”microphone”]Complete Al Bonife Interview[/button]