Tournament slots still available, Register Now for the US Open 2022!
Right around the corner is the US Open at Griff’s Bar & Billiards in Las Vegas, NV beginning April 3rd, 2022. Make sure to secure your spot today! Paypal:...

Monica Webb takes 1st in first ever Women’s One Pocket event!
Undefeated One Pocket Event Champion Monica Webb For those who do not know, One Pocket has been gaining in popularity in the pool world over time and is no...

OnePocket.org 5th Annual Members Only Tournament
We had a highly competitive field of 24 players at the classic poolroom Southaven Recreation, just south of Memphis Tennessee in Southaven Mississippi. After missing our 2020 MOT due...

Buffalos 2021
To put it simply, Buffalo’s means big action. We’ve heard of legendary high action rooms of the past – “The Rack” in Detroit, Cochran’s in San Francisco in the...

John Henderson
[one_half valign=”top” animation=”none”] [box icon=”trophy” style=”simple”] The One Pocket Hall of Fame Is pleased to honor John Henderson For a Lifetime of Pool in Action [/box] [/one_half] [one_half_last valign=”top” animation=”none”] [box...