
DCC Action / Entertainment Award

Cliff Joyner Wins the Louie Roberts Award Since rolling balls were first introduced to a table in billiard’s distant past, cue sports have always enjoyed a lively tradition of...

Efren Reyes, Master of One Pocket

The Magician left fans and foes alike shaking their heads in wonder as the master of the cue ball won his final few matches in the Derby City Classic...

Jason Miller, 2006 Banks Champion

Jason’s Banks victory, coupled with his 2nd place to Efren in the One Pocket division, gave him a big jump in the all-around points race. He clinched the 2006 all-around...

The AZB / Room

Jeanette Lee and Efren Reyes volunteered to participate in a partners challenge match with two lucky winners of an AZBilliards / private room raffle, which took place on the...

Bank Pool Ring Game

Brian Gregg, back-to-back DCC Banks Ring Game champion “Is anybody here from Indianapolis?” [one_half valign=”top” animation=”none”] [/one_half] [one_half_last valign=”top” animation=”none”] [/one_half_last]

2006 Derby City Classic explodes into Action

The largest crowds ever have descended on Louisville for the 8th annual Derby City Classic all-around tournament. This year the event fills both the Executive West, and their sister...

2006 One Pocket Hall of Fame Dinner

Standing: Artie Bodendorfer, Steve Lomako, Marshall Carpenter, Truman Hogue & Fred Bentivegna Seated: Ken Cook (Steve’s father), and Bugs Rucker Congratulations to our new Hall of Fame inductees! A...