Gabe Owen wins Carolina’s Open One Pocket
Gabe Owen during his match with traveling companion Jeremy Jones As the tournament progressed, it looked like destiny well scripted, as Katrina evacuee Mike Surber advanced through one half of...

Nick Varner HOF Ceremony
Nick Varner was inducted into the One Pocket Hall of Fame at a special ceremony held at Fast Eddie’s Sports Bar and Grill during a break from the Carolina’s...

Eddie Taylor dies
Banking legend and Hall of Fame player Eddie ‘The Knoxville Bear’ Taylor passed away Monday, September 5th at the age of 86. Possessed with sharp eyes and a powerful...

Rack ’em up with Leonard ‘Bugs’ Rucker
Ranked right up there with Eddie Taylor as a banking genius, ‘Bugs’ was also a dominant after hours One Pocket player. He was honored in January as part of...

Hard Times 2005 Summer Jamboree
Hard Times in Sacramento, CA has a real nice tournament setup in a separate room with eight extra tight tables and bleacher seating Hard Times kicked off its annual...

The Game of Corners
I was reading some old rec.sport.billiards posts and found one entitled, “Special One Pocket Table”, from Jan, 1997. John Walkup asked if anyone had ever made a special one...

Larry ‘Boston Shorty’ Johnson HOF Ceremony
[button link=”/hof/inductees/onepocket/larry-johnson/” linking=”default” size=”medium” type=”standard” style=”simple” icon=”trophy”]View Larry’s Hall of Fame Page[/button] The crowd filled Dave Egdal’s Brighton Billiards Thursday evening for a special local One Pocket Hall of Fame...

Gary Spaeth
Gary showing his winning form at the Clyde Childress tournament photo courtesy of Bill Porter [one_half valign=”top” animation=”none”] [box icon=”trophy” style=”simple”] The One Pocket Hall of Fame Is pleased to honor...

Truman Hogue
[one_half valign=”top” animation=”none”] [box icon=”trophy” style=”simple”] The One Pocket Hall of Fame Is pleased to honor Truman Hogue Legends of Bank Pool [/box] [/one_half] [one_half_last valign=”top” animation=”none”] [box icon=”user” style=”simple”] Name: Truman...

Freddy Bentivegna
Freddy at Grady Mathews’ 2004 Gulf Coast Classic [one_half valign=”top” animation=”none”] [box icon=”trophy” style=”simple”] The One Pocket Hall of Fame Is pleased to honor Freddy ‘the Beard’ Bentivegna Legends of Bank...