Johnston City 50th Anniversary Commemorative Poster
Poster Detail This high quality poster print is chock full of great images of the players, the ambience and original memorabilia from Johnston City! Several of the photos of...
The Jansco Bros. Johnston City Tournaments
The Jansco’s original Cue Club Billiard Academy, site of the first Johnston City tournament October 25th, 1961 the world of pool in America woke up to a remarkable new...
News, US Open
US Open One Pocket 2011
2011 US Open One Pocket champion, Efren Reyes Efren Reyes crowned 2011 US Open One Pocket Champion Cue Sports International brought back a new and improved US Open One...
One Pocket
Nick Varner
[one_half valign=”top” animation=”none”] [box icon=”trophy” style=”simple”] The One Pocket Hall of Fame Is pleased to honor Nick Varner For his Outstanding Contribution to the Legacy of The Game of One Pocket...
One Pocket
Richard McMorran
[one_half valign=”top” animation=”none”] [box icon=”trophy” style=”simple”] The One Pocket Hall of Fame Is pleased to honor Richard ‘San Jose Dick’ McMorran For his Outstanding Contribution to the Legacy of The Game...
One Pocket
Cecil Hall
[one_half valign=”top” animation=”none”] [box icon=”trophy” style=”simple”] The One Pocket Hall of Fame Is pleased to honor Cecil ‘Buddy’ Hall For his Outstanding Contribution to the Legacy of The Game of One...
John Brumback
OnePocket.org sponsored player, John Brumback OnePocket.org is pleased to announce their first ever sponsored player representative, Banks champion and One Pocket Hall of Fame member John Brumback. John will...
Derby City Classic, News
2011 Derby City Classic
This year at the 13th edition of Greg Sullivan’s Derby City Classic, new champions were crowned in both One Pocket and Banks as well as for the all-around title,...
Dinners, News
2011 One Pocket Hall of Fame Dinner
Allen Hopkins, One Pocket HOF Inductee & John Brumback, Bank Pool HOF Inductee Congratulations to our new Hall of Fame inductees! We had a great turnout at our 7th...
Lifetime of Pool in Action
Wade Crane
Studio portrait of Wade Crane Photo courtesy Diane Schmid [one_half valign=”top” animation=”none”] [box icon=”trophy” style=”simple”] The One Pocket Hall of Fame Is pleased to honor Wade Crane For a Lifetime of...