Rack ’em up with Jaffar ‘Patch Eye’ Basheer
Jaffar Basheer is a living example that you do not need to set aside your deeply held values when you enter a poolroom. Born Henry Burnett, Jaffar converted to...
Chris Bartram Wins the 2007 Louie Roberts Award
Chris Bartram in action 2007 Louie Roberts Action/Entertainment Award Winner In a year where the event was packed with the most highly touted stone cold action monsters from around the...
Derby City Classic, News
The 9th Annual Derby City Classic
Efren ‘Bata’ Reyes was once again the star of the show of the ever bigger and better Derby City Classic that just wrapped up its 9th year in Louisville,...
Dinners, News
2007 One Pocket Hall of Fame Dinner
Members of the late Melvin Brook’s family were on hand to accept his honor of induction into the One Pocket Hall of Fame Congratulations to our new Hall of...
The 2006 Hall of Fame Voting is in!
OnePocket.org is proud to announce the winners in this year’s Hall of Fame voting. Leading the class in One Pocket is the great all-around player John ‘Rags’ Fitzpatrick. His...
Rack ’em up with Grady ‘The Professor’ Mathews
The name Grady Mathews is almost synonomous with One Pocket. For years, he has been the leading One Pocket tournament promoter and instructor, its most vocal supporter, and one...
Bank Pool
Javanley Washington
Photo courtesy Sylvester Duncan [one_half valign=”top” animation=”none”] [box icon=”trophy” style=”simple”] The One Pocket Hall of Fame Is pleased to honor Javanley ‘Youngblood’ Washington Legends of Bank Pool [/box] [/one_half] [one_half_last valign=”top”...
Bank Pool
Vernon Elliott
Vernon Elliott in good spirits after his induction into our Hall of Fame for Bank Pool Diana Hoppe photo [one_half valign=”top” animation=”none”] [box icon=”trophy” style=”simple”] The One Pocket Hall of Fame Is...
Bank Pool
John Chapman
Photo courtesy Fred Bentivegna [one_half valign=”top” animation=”none”] [box icon=”trophy” style=”simple”] The One Pocket Hall of Fame Is pleased to honor John ‘Cannonball’ Chapman Legends of Bank Pool [/box] [/one_half] [one_half_last valign=”top”...
One Pocket
Hayden Lingo
Reportedly Hayden Lingo is second from left, middle row. Although captioned “First Tournament” 1961 in the 1969 Johnston City program, this photo was actually taken later, probably in 1963. [one_half valign=”top”...