5th Annual Members Only Tournament

We had a highly competitive field of 24 players at the classic poolroom Southaven Recreation, just south of Memphis Tennessee in Southaven Mississippi. After missing our 2020 MOT due to Covid closure, players were ready to go, and those who had been before were especially eager to return to the great southern hospitality found at the “Rec”. Since our last regional tournament at the Rec, popular owner Bill Rowsy had retired and sold the room to new owners Andy and Nicky Warren. The Rec also generously added all $600 of the green fees to the tournament fund.

There was also $3520 calcutta money raised in the auction handled by John Crabb, pushing the calcutta up over the $3000 tournament money. That’s always a good sign that you have an action oriented crowd!
It turned out, new room owner Andy Warren played pretty sporty himself, as he came through the tournament undefeated, including two wins over calcutta favorite Ben Smith, who took second place. “Arizona Jay” Pettlon — who is actually from St. Louis — ground out a third place finish in his first MOT, after losing his first round match.

1st Andy Warren
2nd Ben Smith
3rd Jay Pettlon
4th Jason Moran
5/6th Dave Gross
5/6th John Rawski
7/8th Dan Moran
7/8th Mark Mariani
So king of the hill Andy Warren is the new proud owner of the unique new traveling MOT “King Cobra” desert mesquite snake stick trophy hand crafted and painted by our fellow member sappo.

Special shout out to “Hard Luck” Dustin Miller who was undefeated in his strongest MOT performance ever, when he was forced to forfeit after food poisoning courtesy of Applebee’s.
Thank you (and congratulations) to our hosts Andy and Nicky Warren, and special thanks to Dustin Miller and John Crabb for as usual handling all the TD and administrative details both before and during the tournament, and thank you Todd Williams for streaming matches.