Hall of Fame Dinner returns in 2018!

That’s right, it’s back!
It is official, we will be back for our Hall of Fame dinner Wednesday the 24th of January at the 20th annual Derby City Classic. Please note that is a change from the Tuesday nights we used to hold the dinner, but Wednesday should be an improvement because on Tuesday night we always conflicted with the Banks finals. Thank you for including this in your Derby City itinerary, and we will see you there!!
So who should be inducted this year? Who among the players out there have been at or near the very top of One Pocket or Banks competition for the last 20 years or so? This can be in tournament or action — of course we respect both!! Also please consider what they have given back to the game in terms of promotion and education — that is another of our criteria.
Join in on the discussion here: 2018 Hall of Fame Nominations