Members Tourney Almost Here!

Dates | June 16-18, 2017 | Format | Double Elimination |
Location | Chicago, IL | Match | Race to 3 both sides |
Room | Chris’s Billiards | Entry | $100.00 |
Field | 32 Players | Green Fees | $20.00 |
Confirmed Player List
The list is ordered based on sign-up date
[table style=”solid”]# | User Name | Real Name | Entry Paid | Arriving |
1 | darmoose | Darrell Randolph | Yes | Thursday |
2 | cincy_kid | Chris Heinrich | Yes | Friday |
3 | rnewkirk | Robert Newkirk | Yes | Wednesday |
4 | mhilton777 | Matt Hilton | Yes | Thursday |
5 | poolisboring | Donald Dorward | Yes | Thursday |
6 | One Pocket Ghost | Bruce Perry | local | local |
7 | NHSteve | Steve Booth | Yes | Friday |
8 | Jakie | Nick Principe | Yes | Wednesday |
9 | chicagomike | Mike Eck | Yes | Friday |
10 | Cory in DC | Cory Capps | Yes | Friday |
11 | DWS | Donn Schrader | Yes | Friday |
12 | 1pwannabe | Thomas McKane | Yes | Friday |
13 | jtompilot | Jim Tomassoni | Yes | Friday |
14 | jhendy | John Henderson | Yes | ? |
15 | crabbcatjohn | John Crabb | Yes | Friday |
16 | Miller | Dustin Miller | Yes | Friday |
17 | 12squared | David Gross | Yes | Friday |
18 | Nick B | Nick Beretanos | Yes | Friday |
19 | Island Drive | Bill Meacham | Yes | Thursday |
20 | wgcp | Bille Miller | Yes | Thursday |
21 | 1 Hole Nut | Jason Moran | Yes | Friday |
22 | johnnytronic | John Daminato | Yes | Friday |
23 | tsk7878 | Tom Kovalcik | Yes | Friday |
24 | Red Shoes | John Lavin | Yes | Friday |
25 | Tom Wirth | Tom Wirth | Yes | Friday |
26 | scrzbill | Bill Meyers | Yes | TBD |
27 | FastEddieF | Eddie Friedman | Yes | Friday |
28 | youngstownkid | Mark Mariani | Yes | Thursday |
29 | wincardona | Billy Incardona | Yes | ? |
30 | #Cruncher | Matt Daiber | Yes | ? |
31 | OneRock | Peter Ghostine | Yes | ? |
32 | Mkbtank | Mitch Brown | Yes | ? |
From Steve on the Forums
Ok, the location for our 2nd Annual Tournament is Chris’s Billiards in Chicago. It is the storied classic poolroom that was featured in the movie “The Color of Money” — their website is here:
The dates for the tournament are June 16, 17 & 18 (Friday, Saturday & Sunday). The official start will be 4 PM Friday, but for those few players that cannot arrive in time for Friday night matches, they may have to play earlier Saturday morning to avoid falling behind in the tournament. No one will forfeit for not arriving Friday, but all players are encouraged to come as early as you can both for the sake of the tournament and for the camaraderie. Saturday and Sunday matches will start at noon — with the tournament director’s prerogative to have some matches start earlier if the tournament flow has fallen behind sufficiently to warrant that. For our first tournament, we had a single race in the finals. (We have time to talk about this, but expect it to be a single final race unless we come up with a better plan.)
This is a double elimination tournament, races to 3 on both sides of the bracket. The entry fee is $100, payable as soon as you want to get on the list. Your name goes up when the entry is received. Our first tournament was limited to 32 players and this one is also to be expected to be limited to 32. We just barely filled the first one, so 32 does not seem like a problem. (I am willing to reconsider the 32 player limit if it looks like we will readily exceed it, since Chris’s has many more tables than Lacey’s had. But that is only going to happen if we first fill up the 32 and we start to grow a significant waiting list. So if you want to certain to get in, get your money in early enough.)