US Open One Pocket 2013

Dennis Orcullo, 2013 US Open One Pocket champion
Dennis Orcullo was able to pick up where he left off after a severe thunder storm caused a power outage right in the middle of the winner’s side final of the 15th US Open One Pocket, causing his match with Corey Deuel to be postponed until the following morning. Leading 2-0 in games and 6-0 in the score when the power went out, Orcullo went on to win the hot seat with a 4-0 dusting of Corey the next morning.

That put Corey up against the most recent addition to the traveling contingent of stellar players from the Philippines, Carlo Biado, for a second chance to reach the finals. Corey was up to the task, but the finals would have to wait an extra day, with all three of the One Pocket finalists also contending in the US Open 10-Ball tournament, which began as the US Open One Pocket was winding down.
The finals were a single race to 5, and Orcullo prevailed by a final score of 5-3, for his first major One Pocket championship.
Carlo Biado finished third in the full field of 64 players from around the world. This follows his strong finish in the One Pocket division at this year’s Derby City Classic, and another strong finish at California Billiard’s recent West Coast Challenge One Pocket event, so it appears he will be yet another a strong Filipino contender in future events.
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