Jeanette Lee wins 2010 Derby City Louie Roberts Award

The ‘Black Widow’ in action at this year’s Derby City Classic
In an arena dominated by males, Jeanette Lee stood head and shoulders above the rest to capture the 2010 “St. Louie” Louie Roberts Action and Entertainment Award at the Derby City Classic. The voting of the award by DCC attendees and members of the various internet forums resulted in a landslide victory for Lee as she was named on over 90% of the ballots. Others in consideration for the award included players like “Strong Arm” John, Harry Platis and Richie Richeson.

2010 Action/Entertainment Award winner
With this award, the ‘Black Widow’ joins an exclusive list of previous winners and will be added to the Louie Roberts Action and Entertainment banner that hangs over the Derby City Classic tournament room. She will also be granted free tournament entry and hotel accommodations at the DCC for life.
The Black Widow took on a myriad of challengers at an assortment of games in the action rooms. She played marathon “ahead sets” on the bar tables as well as long races on the big tables. And she did this every day at the tournament while juggling her Horseshoe Casino Southern Indiana activities as well as competing in the DCC tournament itself.
[divider style=”none” icon=”quote-left”] [/divider] [quote author_name=” DCC Louie Roberts Action & Entertainment Award Committee” size=”small” style=”simple”]Jeanette Lee never failed to draw a significant crowd in the action room, an implicit criterion for the award. Throughout the demanding conditions of the often lengthy battles that took place mostly late at night or on in to the early morning, and frequently with a distracting throng of spectators, Jeanette maintained her grace and elegance while providing a high level of entertainment with her championship-caliber play.
Although Jeanette Lee has been a staple at the Derby City Classic and is often seen in action at least a few times every year at the event, her heads-up backroom match-ups had not been quite as high profile in years past as they were this year. In 2010, she repeatedly delivered pressure-packed high stakes action and crowd-drawing entertainment. That’s what Jeanette Lee brought to this year’s Derby City Classic in earning the Louie Roberts Action and Entertainment Award.
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He is always a crowd favorite

Photo courtesy Mike Haines & Bill Porter
The Louie Roberts A/E Award is the only industry award that directly honors the contribution that the world of pool action makes toward the ongoing popularity of the sport. Recipients of the A/E award win free room and free entry fees to the Derby City Classic. Congratulations to Jeanette Lee, this year’s winner!
Since rolling balls were first introduced to a table in billiard’s distant past, cue sports have always enjoyed a lively tradition of after-hours action. Diamond Billiard Products and the Derby City Classic proudly celebrate that tradition with their annual Louis Roberts Action/Entertainment Award.
The A/E Award is named after the late Louie Roberts, who embodied the kind of high-rolling free-spirited and talented player that crowds have always loved to gather and watch. Louie was a rare talent and genuine star in the action/entertainment side of pool. Whether he was flat broke or flush with cash didn’t seem to make a difference; Louie would find a game, and the crowd would find Louie. Whatever cash he held, he might wager on one match, on one game, or even on one shot; Louie had the confidence to bet it all.
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