Dave ‘Viffer’ Peat Wins the 2011 Louie Roberts Award

Dave ‘Viffer’ Peat, AKA ‘Dippy Dave’
2011 Derby City Classic Action/Entertainment Award winner
After the votes had been tallied, David “Dippy Dave” Peat dominated in winning the 2011 “St. Louie” Louie Roberts Action and Entertainment Award at the Derby City Classic (DCC). In a world where there’s often more woof than bite, Dippy Dave’s action was all the talk during the weeks leading up to the DCC. Peat did not disappoint as he continued his heralded Tour de Force to and through the DCC action rooms.
Also known as “Viffer” in the poker circles, this highly entertaining poker pro was in constant action throughout the grueling grind that is the Derby City Classic drawing spectators to standing-room only. And if he wasn’t in action, crowds of woofing hopefuls could always be seen around him trying to get a piece of his next game. Usually playing One Pocket and getting huge spots, Dippy Dave would play mostly top tier champions who he deemed “qualified” to try to outrun the nuts for the large amounts he would bet. The list of champions included Corey Deuel, Gabe Owens, Cliff Joyner and John Drew Hagar.
[divider style=”none” icon=”quote-left”] [/divider] [quote author_name=” DCC Louie Roberts Action & Entertainment Award Committee” size=”small” style=”simple”]Winning the award by a rout, Peat was named on over 95% of the votes received. Chris Gentile was a distant second. With the award, Dippy Dave will be granted free tournament entry and hotel accommodations at the DCC for life. He joins the exclusive list of past winners and will be added to the Louie Roberts Action and Entertainment Champions banner in the Derby City Classic tournament room.
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Photo courtesy Mike Haines & Bill Porter
The Louie Roberts A/E Award is the only industry award that directly honors the contribution that the world of pool action makes toward the ongoing popularity of the sport. Recipients of the A/E award win free room and free entry fees to the Derby City Classic. Congratulations to Dave ‘Viffer’ Peat, this year’s winner!
Since rolling balls were first introduced to a table in billiard’s distant past, cue sports have always enjoyed a lively tradition of after-hours action. Diamond Billiard Products and the Derby City Classic proudly celebrate that tradition with their annual Louis Roberts Action/Entertainment Award.
The A/E Award is named after the late Louie Roberts, who embodied the kind of high-rolling free-spirited and talented player that crowds have always loved to gather and watch. Louie was a rare talent and genuine star in the action/entertainment side of pool. Whether he was flat broke or flush with cash didn’t seem to make a difference; Louie would find a game, and the crowd would find Louie. Whatever cash he held, he might wager on one match, on one game, or even on one shot; Louie had the confidence to bet it all.
[button link=”http://www.poolinaction.com/2011Tournaments-1/2011-Derby-City-Classic/2011-DCC-Action/” linking=”new-window” align=”left” size=”medium” type=”standard” style=”simple” icon=”camera”]View more action photos from the event[/button]