2009 Hall of Fame votes are in!

A younger Jose Parica competing back in the 80’s
(Mike Haines/Bill Porter photo)
The One Pocket Hall of Fame is pleased to announce this year’s class of inductees in the categories of One Pocket, Bank Pool and Lifetime Pool in Action. This January we will have two One Pocket inductees, the well traveled professional player, Jose Parica, and our top vote getter among the deceased candidates from years past, the outspoken legend of pool, Rudolf ‘Fats’ Wanderone, AKA ‘Minnesota Fats’. Our Bank Pool inductee this year is the aptly named Glenn ‘Piggy Banks’ Rogers, from Chicago, Illinois.
Everyone knows that pool has always had two very different cultures of competition – the establishment culture of tournaments, wholesome recreation and industry endorsements on the one hand, and the after-hours culture of gambling and hustling on the other hand. It is the mission of the One Pocket Hall of Fame to honor and remember those great players and great games that represent the legacy of Pool in Action.
In that spirit, the One Pocket Hall of Fame is pleased to present this year’s Lifetime Pool in Action award to the legendary player, backer, and aficionado of action, Seattle Washington’s Harry Platis.
Don’t miss the One Pocket Hall of Fame dinner on Tuesday, January 26th, during the biggest pool jamboree ever, the Derby City Classic. This year our banquet will be in a terrific new location, as we will have the aptly named “Legends” bar (right in the Horseshoe Casino complex) all to ourselves for our own private party! This promises to be a very entertaining evening, as these players are among the most colorful, talented and action-oriented legends in all of cue sports.