Fundraising Raffle for Bugs

Bugs Rucker enjoys his One Pocket Hall of Fame induction in January 2005, along with fellow inductees Grady Mathews and Efren Reyes has kicked off a fundraising effort to help out Banks and One Pocket Hall of Fame legend Leonard ‘Bugs’ Rucker. Bugs is suffering from the advancement of diabetes, and just this week lost a leg to amputation. Let’s show the man some respect and let him know that we care by really getting on board this raffle to raise some money to at least help him with some small comforts. There is only the most minimal public safety net for guys like Bugs as their health declines, yet this man is a genuine legend!
The Raffle is over!
We raised $6,370.00 for Bugs!
[button link = “” linking=”default” align=”left” size=”medium” type=”standard” style=”simple” icon=”dollar”]View the list of items that were donated[/button]