Rack ’em up with Donny ‘The Cincinnati Kid’ Anderson

Born June 9th, 1929, as a youngster Don Anderson developed into a strong pool player along with two other local kids from Cincinnati: Eugene ‘Clem’ Metz and the late Joey Spaeth. While Clem turned his attention to One Pocket, and Joey became one of the all-around stars of Johnston City, Bank was always Donny’s game of choice, and with the advent of Bank Pool tournaments in the 70’s, it was Donny Anderson that emerged as our first Bank Pool World Champion.
[button link=”http://onepocket.org/rackem-up-with-donny-the-cincinnati-kid-anderson/” linking=”default” align=”left” size=”medium” type=”standard” style=”simple” icon=”microphone”]Complete Donny Anderson Interview[/button]