Standing: Artie Bodendorfer, Steve Lomako, Marshall Carpenter, Truman Hogue & Fred Bentivegna
Seated: Ken Cook (Steve’s father), and Bugs Rucker
Congratulations to our new Hall of Fame inductees!
A packed house gathered in Louisville, Kentucky on January 10th to honor three great players for One Pocket and six players for our first class of Bank Pool legends. The occasion was the 2nd annual One Pocket Hall of Fame dinner held in conjunction with the Derby City Classic tournament.
One Pocket inductee Ed ‘Champagne Eddie’ Kelly was unable to attend our event in Louisville, so plans are underway for a local event for him in Las Vegas later this year.
Marshall ‘Squirrel’ Carpenter
One Pocket Hall of Fame
Ken Cook accepts Steve’s One Pocket HOF induction
Grady presents to Banks Hall of Fame inductee Freddy ‘The Beard’ Bentivegna
Truman Hogue ‘Straight Back’
Banks Hall of Fame inductee
Bugs enjoys the accolades
Doreen and her daughter
Doreen Taylor accepts her late husband Eddie’s Banks induction
Grady introduces Doreen Taylor, widow of the late, great Eddie Taylor
Merry Spaeth and Gary’s daughters Lynn & Laura are congratulated by Freddie the Beard
Bugs and Artie
Bugs is congratulated by Freddie and Grady on his induction
for Banks
Cornbread Red’s son-in-law Steve Lomako accepts Red’s Banks induction
Fred Bentivegna and Artie Bodendorfer
Artie Bodendorfer
One Pocket Hall of Fame
Marshall ‘Squirrel’ Carpenter
One Pocket Hall of Fame
[button linking=”new_window” link=”” align=”left” size=”medium” type=”standard” style=”simple” icon=”camera”]View all photos from the event[/button] [button linking=”new_window” link=”” align=”left” size=”medium” type=”standard” style=”simple” icon=”youtube-play”]Watch a 3 min YouTube slide show[/button]