Eddie Taylor HOF Ceremony

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Eddie Taylor, the Knoxville Bear, was inducted into the One Pocket Hall of Fame today at a special event in his honor at Sidepocket Billiards in Shreveport, Louisiana. Hosts Brett and Debbie Sempter pulled out all the stops to make sure Eddie and the crowd had a great time. Grady Mathews acted as Master of Ceremonies, and demonstrated his own special talent at the table in performing an exhibition before the induction.
At 86 years young, Eddie even took a moment to demonstrate one of his impossible looking bank shots and he speared it on his second try.
According to guest Diane Garrard, “There were a lot of folks that came just for Eddie; he is so revered and loved! Eddie was very touched by this and became emotional on more than one occasion. Grady also displayed an emotional moment during his presentation to Eddie when he told of how Bugs Rucker looked upon Eddie as his mentor. Of course Eddie’s modesty wouldn’t allow him to take credit for this and said Bugs was a natural born player.
Eddie boasted of some of his mighty feats such as running 37 banks in a row. He also ran all 15 banks off at least 4 times that he can distinctly remember, and there were probably a couple more times he couldn’t remember. The first time he did this he was only 12 or 13 years old.”