Rack ’em up with Freddy ‘The Beard’ Bentivegna

Freddy ‘The Beard’ Bentivegna, Chicago’s grizzled sage of One Pocket and Bank Pool, recently agreed to be interviewed by OnePocket.org. A long-time action veteran, Freddy’s keen insight into the game, as well as his knack for story-telling, has made him one of Accu-Stats Video’s most popular guest commentators. He is just finishing a book entitled, Banking with the Beard, which will be available very soon.
[button link=”http://onepocket.org/rackem-up-with-freddy-the-beard-bentivegna/” linking=”default” align=”left” size=”medium” type=”standard” style=”simple” icon=”microphone”]Complete Freddy Bentivegna Interview[/button]